Wednesday, December 7, 2011

God has a Sense of Humor

Holly and Melissa, Sept 1977

Earlier I told you about my experiences/testimonies of how I received my first job at 14, how my Mother’s faith impacted my faith and how God wants YOU to come to Him with your burdens.  Did you know God also has a sense of humor?
Delivering my first daughter, Holly Jennifer, was a little different.  I had “Phantom twin” syndrome, at least that is what the doctor told me after my daughter was delivered.  He explained that I had two sacks of water and only one baby.  The empty sack burst on January 21, 1975.  The due date of my first baby.  Very exciting.  I called the doctor to let him know the water had broken.  The nurse called me back and said my doctor was in the hospital as a patient who was having a pacemaker inserted.  He was in Ohio, I was in Michigan and he wasn’t expected home anytime soon.  Funny that never had come up in the last month of maternity appointments.  Anyway, the nurse told me to go to the hospital when my labor pains 5 minutes apart.  If I didn’t begin labor, I was to call her back at 9 a.m.  Needless to say, at 9 a.m. I called her back.  She referred me to another physician who was performing abortions in our city.  I was NOT a happy Mother-to-be but I knew I had no choice in this matter.  By noon that day they had begun a PIT drip and shortly after that I was in labor with pains every 2 minutes apart.  I stayed that way for 22 hours.  After 19 hours I asked the doctor how much longer it would be and he snapped and said “I had kept him in the hospital all night because I hadn’t progressed and had this baby.”  He really made me feel like this little life coming into the world was unimportant.   Then when I got into the delivery room they wouldn’t let my husband come into the room.  The doctor said fathers were a bother.  On the other hand, the entire nursing class he brought into the room was okay with him. 
Anyway, when I was pregnant for my second baby my husband I had prayed about who to use as a doctor and felt we needed to have a Christian doctor.  We choose a great doctor and he agreed that he would do everything possible to not induce labor for this child and allow me to have a natural childbirth.  My due date was July 17, 1977.  The date came and went without delivering a baby.  Two weeks after my due date we had friends who were coming to stay with us and see the baby and our little one still had not made an appearance.  Another week passed and we would see our doctor out for dinner and he would tell us to call anytime I was in labor.  Still no baby.  Okay – three weeks and 3 days overdue I called and begged to be induced.  To be induced, I needed an ultrasound.  I had that and called the doctor to see when we could get started.  I was told the doctor was out of town but would be back on Monday.  Great!  That Saturday I began seeing a little blood but no labor.  During the night of August 14 (3 weeks and 6 days after my due date) I went into labor.  Remember Mike and I prayed about our doctor.  Well the doctor we prayed would be there was Dr Harris.  The doctor that actually delivered our daughter was  Dr. Heeres.  They are pronounced exactly the same.  Again, God answered our prayer.  Not in the way we expected but he knew “before the foundation of the earth” that Melissa Sunshine Jaunese was going to be born on August 14,  (the date of her Great-Grandmother's birthday and her Grandparent's anniversary) and he provided the doctor we prayed would deliver her.  Harris or Heeres, he knew them both and they both knew HIM.  Both doctors were Christians.  One more thing – Melissa was born 56 minutes after we arrived at the hospital and was delivered through natural childbirth.

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