Sunday, October 14, 2012


Maizie Mae 7 weeks old
We have had a new grandbaby on July 19, 2012.  This time our baby, Melissa Sunshine, had a baby girl, Maizie Mae.  That gives us two boys – Holden, age 14, and Max, age 3 plus a baby girl.  Holden has always been the studious one.  Holden is fun but quite quiet. Holden comes and stays with us every summer.  Holden turned 15 on Tuesday and now we wonder how many more summers he will want to come stay with us. Max is just the opposite from Holden.  When Maizie was born, Mike was already at Missy’s visiting and I joined Mike a week later.  It was a long week having to wait to see Maizie for the first time.  We were both so very excited to come to be wih our new granddaughter but the entertainment of our three year old is amazing.  I use the word amazing because I said “Maizie is amazing” and for about 2 hours every sentence spoken by Max had the word amazing in it. One night the two boys rough housed on the living room floor.  You have to understand Holden.  He does not like anything dirty including his brothers feet. If the feet have touched the floor since his last “tub” they must be dirty.  Max and Holden were on the floor and Max kept coming up to Holden and put his foot up on Holden’s shoulder.  He wanted to put his foot in Holden’s hair.  This is a great way to make his big brother just a little crazy.  They rolled around and laughed and giggled.  It was so great because having had only girls myself, I always thought only girls giggle.  Apparently not.

Holden, Max and Maizie, Day 1
Now, I wouldn’t want anyone to think we aren’t paying attention to Maizie because we held her every minute we could.  But at that point, holding her and staring at Maizie was about all we could do.  That said, we were enjoying our entertainment from the boys.  A few weeks before Maizie was born we were video chatting with the kids and Max said “I am so embarrassed”.  We asked why and he answered “I am so embarrassed”.  Mike asked him what he was embarrassed about.  He answered again “I am so embarrassed”.  We then heard his mother in the background saying Max learned a new word but doesn’t know what it means.  That kind of follows his standard on our video chats.  All of a sudden Max will say “I have an idea – I’ll be right back”.  He takes off only to return to talk and then say the same thing - “I have an idea – I’ll be right back”.  It cracks us up because we never have been able to tell what his idea is.  He is a kid with big words and big ideas. 

Holden was amazing when Max was born and is no less amazing with Maizie.  Just like with Max, Holden will sit and hold Maizie, humming to her for hours so she will sleep.  He can quiet Maizie more quickly, sometimes, than Mommy.  Like I said, he did this with Max too. 

One afternoon we were getting ready to go out.  Max decided he wanted to choose what he wore.  The shorts were fine but the shirt was one he had worn to Stone Mountain when Bumpa took Max and Holden on an adventure to Atlanta earlier that week.  Mike calmly said they should look at the shirt.  There were 2 chocolate stains and one ketchup stain.  He relented and wore his Tampa Bay Rays shirt but not until he announced several times that “it’s just not a big deal.”  Missy said he has picked those words up from her.  She said she tries to pick her battles and says it when she needs to.

Maizie - 9 days old
We took the entire family to a Chattanooga Lookout baseball game.  Max LOVES baseball.  I am not a big baseball fan but having Max to watch at the game was worth twice the price of admission.  Max kept an eye on the mound and the player up to bat.  When it was the opposing team he shouted to the batter “You’re going down buddy” and pointed his thumb down.  He begged the players on the field to throw a ball to him.  Next time he goes he plans to take his new baseball glove with him.  Max is a social butterfly as well.  He also loves blondes.  There was a woman with her husband and two teenage son’s just two rows in front of us.  When the boys got up to go somewhere, Max went down and took the seat next to the blonde.  He told her his life history, and since he had only three years to cover, I think he went over it twice. He has done a lot over his three years and every day is something new.  He showed her his “war wound” from where he got a shot the day before.  When I arrived to meet Maizie for the first time, Melissa was just leaving to take Maizie to the doctor for another bilirubin test.  Max wanted to join us so I told him I would get him a shot.  I thought it would be a deterrent but he wanted a shot.  Who knew?  When the shot was over he got a great round spot Band-Aid.  That made a war wound to show the lady. He checked out her jewelry and kept her entertained until her sons returned.  The one who had occupied that seat let Max keep the seat and he sat a row behind Max.  The blonde said she really had fun with him.

One day Max wanted to have an empty spray bottle filled with water.  His Dad said that maybe later he would fill it.  Max took the bottle apart, looked through the clear bottle part like it was a spy glass then took the spray trigger part and tried to shoot the TV.  Then Max removed the straw from the trigger and used it for a musical instrument and marched around the room. Water?   Who needs water? Like I said, Max is pure entertainment.

Missy, Maizie and Max flew in for a visit a week ago followed by Phil and Holden who drove down the next day.  Funny, but they found out that their car did not fit 3 children,  especially when one is 6 foot tall.  No matter how many ways they tried to configure the two little ones’ seats, Holden has space for only one butt cheek on the seat.  Any way you look at it, riding 10 hours on one butt cheek would be horrible.  This meant when they were all in Tampa they went looking for a mini-van.  That meant Phil drove home and allowed our daughter and three children to stay with us.  We haven’t had a house full for a while and it is fantastic!  Imagine 24/7 entertainment.  All Max, all the time.  Maizie and Holden are great too, but once again, Max steals the show all the time.  He plays on Holly’s and Mike’s iPad and wants to have us play too.  If one of them isn’t available he hits up Holden for his iPad.

Max is very concerned if Maizie cries and tries to sooth her by kissing on her cheek or her tummy.  Max is a ball of energy, though and full of questions.  How do I know he is full of questions?  Because he says “Mimi, I got a question” about 30 times a day.  You very sweetly say “what’s your question?” and his answer is followed with something like “ I watched the Wiggles today”.  Okay. (Sarcasm is not heard in writing but the word okay came with a lot)  He is so cute and adorable you just can’t help but laugh a little every time he says “I got a question.”  Holden said he had no idea where he got this question but it wasn’t long before we knew.  Holden says “I have a question” about 10 times a day.  We just hadn’t noticed it before.

On Saturday we left the house at 11:00 to go to Mazzaro’s Italian Market in St. Petersburg.  It was wonderful.  We had such a great time at the Market.  Shopping and lunch in the best place in the Tampa Bay area.  The amount of people that go through there on a Saturday is unbelievable.  You take a number for ordering meat, one for ordering bread, one for getting coffee, one for fresh made pasta and one for ordering lunch at the deli.  Sounds horrible but they are so well organized and so fantastic. Their Raisin Bread is worth standing in line several times over.  Toasted Raisin Bread from the Italian Market with two kinds of raisin’s is great with a little brown sugar or cinnamon and sugar or even just butter on it is so yummy.   Lunch was wonderful.  Holly and Holden had meatball sandwiches and the meatballs were each about 4 inches across.  Holden accepted the challenge and ate it regular style.  Holly used a knife and fork to eat the meatballs and bread.  Max ordered Pizza and ate two bites then became Mr. Cranky-Pants.  It didn’t matter what was said, he would not be consoled.  Next stop, Aunt Jane’s.  Of course Max fell asleep in the 4 miles it took to drive between Mazarro’s and Jane’s.  Holden stayed in the van with the sleeping Max and air conditioning.  What a difference a nap made in Max.  He was better but not but not good enough to go to the baseball game so the game was delayed until Sunday.  Isn’t it nice that there are baseball games several days in a row for a series?  The next day they went to see the Ray’s play.  This is Maizie’s second baseball game.  Holden went to his first baseball game when he was 6 months old, Max at about a year old when he was just starting to walk.  Maizie, at less that 6 weeks, had been to two baseball games. 
Just before Missy drove back with the kids they spent a weekend at Busch Gardens and Adventure Island.  I met them after their day at Adventure Island at Steak and Shake.  Max had been playing a game with Aunt Holly.  They were picking new names for themselves every day.  The day they went to Adventure Island Max was calling himself Carmen and Holly had picked Emma.  They never could get  Holden to participate.  He was almost 15, remember.  Picking a new name would be way beneath someone Holden’s age.  When Max would ask him what his name was, he said his name was Holden.  This went on for the entire day!  By the time I met them at Steak and Shake Holden was tired and frustrated.  I arrived just in time for Max’s second wind.  He decided to name Holden “Barbara”.  I think you will recognize the fun in the picture as Max kept saying Holden was now “Barbara” and Holden kept saying his name was and always will be Holden.  I know you will easily see his funny character in the photo.

The visit with Missy and the kids lasted for a month.  It was fantastic.  There are more stories I could easily tell but I plan on keeping them to myself so I can use them as leverage when they are older.  I love having the grandkids close.  It is hard having that part of our family 10 hours away but we have found that video chats keep us close.  We love talking with them as often as possible.  Every step in being a grandparent is just as new as every step as a parent.  Holden turned 15 last Tuesday.  He will finish high school soon and begin college within the next year.  Max will get older and we look forward to his achievements, just like we did Holden’s.  What I really look forward to, though, is going through the time when Maizie is 3 years old and everything is a wonder again.  Just thinking about how blessed we are makes me smile in anticipation.