Saturday, March 25, 2023



A couple of weeks ago I came across a notebook someone had given me several years ago. When I found the notebook and opened it, I had written some things in the front of the book. Let me tell you what I had written in order of what I wrote.

“God can not heal what we shield”

The first seal of the United States depicted the flight of the Israelites leaving Egypt and Ben Franklin proposed the words “Resistance to Tyrants is obedience to God”

“Israel” was the new name God gave to Joseph’s father, Jacob.  It means “wrestle” or “struggle” with God.

The Jews” A second creation Gen. 1:28 instructs all living creatures to “multiply and increase” over all the earth”

God’s first attempt at creating a good world was creating human beings – Cain, Adam and Eve’s first born, killed his brother, Able and more deterioration of humanity followed.

God regretted creating humans in Genesis 6:5-6 – already by chapter 6!

Then God sent the flood and destroyed all mankind except for one Godly man, and his family.  Question: was Noah’s family “Godly” in any verses?

God then game some basic moral laws and principles = they were

1.    No murder

2.    Have children

3.    Don’t consume the blood of any living creature

4.    Every human is created in God’s image – get that line especially – EVERY human

Exodus 1:8 says A new King rose out of Egypt who did not know Joseph.

NOTE: How quickly we forget – Even generation to generation, we forget what God has done for us.  GOD WANTS US TO REMEMBER

The book of Exodus begins with forgetting.  The Pharoah forgetting how a son of Israel (Jacobs new name) Joseph, saved Egypt from famine.

(Exodus 2:24) God hears groaning and complaining of Israel and remembers his covenant.

(Exodus 13:3) Moses leads Israelites out of Egypt and urges they remember this day

(Exodus 20:8) The Israelites are ordered to remember the sabbath day

Who are we without our memories as a family?  As a nation.

I will be honest, I had no idea why I had written down so many things, and what I was thinking at that time. 

There are so many struggles going on in this nation right now.  The ladies in my groups have had huge things going on in their lives, as well, and we have prayed for each other many times. 

Then I went to see the movie “Jesus Revolution.”  Many of us in this room lived during this time.  One leader of Tuesday morning Beautiful was actually part of the Chuck Smith’s church at the time of this revolution. The changes were amazing.  I believe this type of revival is needed again.

A new generation is coming up and they need to hear what God has done for YOU and what you are doing to serving HIM.

Much of what was written in my lost notebook was about REMEMBERING.  What things do we forget and need to remember?

Remember to pray for our family everyday.  Pray that God speaks to them. Grandchildren need to learn that remembering what God has done for them is important.  Share what God has done for you with them so they see and hear about results of prayer.

Remember to tell our children and grandchildren about God. Deuteronomy 11:18 & 19 says “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”  Times have changed, but God’s word doesn’t, however, there are other places you can now speak to your children and grandchildren, like when they are in the back seat of your car or when you take them sky diving.

Remember, you can set an alarm in your phone to remind you to pray for your family.  Mine is set at 10:28, and has been for years.  This never interferes with anything else because if you have appointments, they are probably on the hour or half-hour, not on the 28 minute mark.  You don’t even need to label what the reminder is for when you have an odd time.

When someone asks for prayer, remember to stop what you are doing and pray immediately so you won’t forget.  If it was a call, pray with them on the phone.  Then, set a reminder in your phone for a time like 9:28 in the evening to pray for all of the requests you have been asked for that day.  About 18 months ago I returned to Moffitt for a couple of months to assist a director while she looked for anew admin.  I knew she was a Christian and one day she mentioned a new job she knew would be opening within the next year.  She was nearly finished with her PhD in nursing and she really wanted this job.  That was when I prayed for her in the office, which we began doing EVERY day, and I put the 9:28 reminder in my phone and she did in her phone, as well.  She would know that at 9:28 every evening she would know we could pray together for the new job.  On February 1 she took over the job.  I am still keeping that reminder in my phone for 9:28 in the evening to pray for all of the requests that have been texted for that day.  When I say I keep them in my phone, that is correct, but they buzz my watch to remind me to pray. 

Remember, remember, remember all God has done for YOU.  How did these things happen?  Because others were praying for you.  We all need each other to survive.