Friday, October 30, 2020


Lately I keep hearing that women are following what their husbands tell them to do as far as voting and which side of the political fence they should be on.  This is a bunch of “bull hockey pucks”.  For years women have been told they don’t need men.  They can make it on their own.  When I married in 1971, it was at the height of the feminist ERA movement.  I was told daily I don’t need a man, I can make it on my own.  The first 5 years of my marriage were horrible, and it was because I believed this and let my fabulous husband know I could make it without him every time we disagreed.  There were lots of ploys I took at letting him know I could make it on my own.  Then we had a fabulous baby girl.  I loved being a mother.  My father had died when I was 11 and my mother had 4 girls and was 2 months pregnant with her 5th daughter.  When my Dad died, it eliminated a male figure from our home and few memories of my parents together.  I didn’t get to see the love continue to develop between the two of them as they worked together to nurture a family as they grew older.  Divorce wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.   

 Why does this matter?  I believe it matters because if you don’t see LOVE in the home and hear it from both parents, you don’t have a good role model and you will fall for anything that others put out there.  Like the ERA and “you don’t need a man”.  After our daughter was born, I wanted another baby.  I had been a workaholic since I was 14 years old when I got my first job as the Easter Bunny in our town’s premiere department store.  I was able to stay home and take care of our daughter, another thing that went against what I was being told.  After miscarrying twice for a second child, having a second baby was a goal.  The doctor told me we I would be very fertile in a month and try and we would be parents again in 9 months.  I was so excited.  My fabulous husband wouldn’t come anywhere near me.  I cried for several days and then sat down and talked to him.  He told me that I had let him know for several years that I didn’t need him.  He knew he would lose one child if I followed through, but he wasn’t about to lose two babies.  I was shocked!  I would have never left him because I truly loved him. 

 Ladies, our words do matter.  Our children hear our words to them and our spouses are crushed or built up by our words.  I know this is reverse of what you are being told right now but how many families could be saved by women just tempering their words and letting their love for their husbands and children show through?  Making a choice to stay married and in love every day is a decision we make every day when we wake up.  What are we teaching our sons and daughters when we diminish the man in our homes in front of our children?  Diminishing the man in our homes crosses racial barriers and is not limited to one race or another.  Don’t build yourself up to tear down someone else.

 A few years ago, I heard a friend speak about synergy.  He loves the guitar and had a large book of the music written by the Beatles.  What I remembered when I got an article about the Beatles from my friend in England while having my appendix out in 1962 and recuperating. The Beatles are remembered fondly by all ages today.  Did you know they were only together until 1970? Paul McCartney filed to dissolve the partnership in 1970.  The book of Beatle music my friend had was very thick.  They had written tons of songs together that will endure for many generations.  On the other hand, he showed the books of solo writings by each of the Beatles.  They didn’t come anywhere near the work they had done together as the Beatles in such a short time.  Synergy is defined in the dictionary is working together toward a common goal.  When my husband told me he would never lose two babies, I realized how important it is to work toward our family goal as husband and wife.  OUR FAMILY goals, not the women who are telling us what to think or believe.  Not the fighting sides of the aisle in congress who are more worried about getting re-elected or gathering power by being the top dog of their party but working together for the good of THIS NATION, not themselves.

The Declaration of Independence guarantees us “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” it does not guarantee happiness.  It takes more than the words on the declaration to turn our nation around.  It takes people understanding that we need to work together in synergy, not individuals, to change our nation.  Do you think the Beatles agreed with each other with every line they each proposed for a song?  I doubt it.  I think they worked together to make a song work and the lyrics just right to grab those listening to their music.  When we come together with ideas or proposals, we need to come to the table thinking about how our ideas COULD be made better by listening to others. We need to work in synergy for our nation.  The parties need to work together to make our nation better for the people of THIS country.  Do your job, come together in synergy and work together with the other side of the aisle for the good of the CITIZENS of THIS COUNTRY.  They are the ones YOU were HIRED to serve.  There was an election where the American people HIRED you so SERVE us, not to act on your own or to Lord if over anyone, including the President of the United States of America to serve yourself and how YOU want to get ahead.  Remember, WE pay your salary.  Now go earn it by working together for OUR common good.

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