Sunday, November 23, 2014

Give Thanks - Be Grateful!

My husband and I were having breakfast this morning.  We sat and talked about this weeks Thanksgiving dinner and how much we are going to miss our grandchildren.  Christmas is only a few weeks away but these next few weeks will be so busy.  When you are married to Santa, this holiday takes on a life of its own.  We try to ALWAYS keep in mind what Christmas is truly celebrating – the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. 

As we were enjoying our breakfast, someone else not far from us began sharing about their experience of giving to help someone else at Christmas.  They own a restaurant and feel that people are not truly grateful for the helping hand, they tend to EXPECT it.  She went on to tell about feeling like they wanted to take care of the gifts for a certain family yet when they took their gifts for the child that wanted something very expensive and very special, they were told “we already got him that, perhaps you can return it.”  Seriously, are people so ENTITLED any more that they don’t know how to be thankful that someone else has gone out of their way to bless them. 

Last spring I was talking to someone from a food bank.  People come to the food bank and they can take anything they want from the shelves to feed their family.  She related that people want to have “Organic” on the label and many have left without anything because they didn't have what they wanted.  "Can’t they have a gift card to Whole Foods," if sometimes asked?  I am serious when I say I am totally blown away by the way people behave anymore.  We needed to take advantage of food stamps for a short time when our girls were little.  Mike's brother asked him how he could "lower" himself to accepting food stamps.  I remember this as if it were yesterday.  Mike said "when all you  have left to feed your family is pride, you get help."  We were so grateful for the help.  We spent our food stamps on ground beef and turkey, which were the cheapest at the time. My brother-in-law filled our freezer with venison. Now people want to "shoot" a hunter who is providing food for his family table.  God provided incredible gifts to us.

I have watched the videos, like everyone else, about the two women lately in two different states that panhandle by the road with their sweet children playing beside them and then at the end of the day they get inside of the BMW and drive off to their gated condo.  What is with people today?  It makes my blood boil, as I am certain it does yours. 

I realize, however, I am not responsible for any of these ungrateful people.  That same savior that is the reason for celebrating this Christmas will sit at the right hand of his Father someday and will examine the heart of each of these people.  I will not be responsible for what their heart reveals.  I am only responsible for MY actions.  My prayer - Lord, may I always be grateful for everything you bring my way.  May I always remember – you are my source.  You are my provider.  If you provide through someone else, may I always remember to say thank you and realize that you have used them to bless me.  How do you feel about this?  Please post your comments.